
The Power Research Area members are addressing the plethora of technical questions related to hosting electric vehicles within the transportation and electric power distribution networks. They are working across the four projects, serving in both technical and leadership roles. The focus of the power-related research is inductive and capacitive wireless power transfer (static and dynamic), grid integration, dynamic power distribution network modeling, grid management systems, and modeling and control of vehicle batteries.

This Research is leveraging long-standing ties and collaborations with several state departments of transportation to create Pilot projects in Utah, Indiana, and Florida, which are key for transitioning the technologies being developed. In both static and dynamic wireless power transfer systems, the team is attempting to push the boundaries of the power levels that are being considered. For the DWPT cases, this is driven by convergent research in the System of Systems Project, which has demonstrated that financial feasibility is strongly correlated with heavy-duty truck traffic on a DWPT roadway.

A strong collaboration with international partner UoA (recognized as the leading pioneer of inductive wireless power transfer) has continued with a focus on co-developing models and testbeds that can support the analysis and design process at a wide range of power levels.

The Power Research Area is serving in a lead role in addressing the fundamental advancements required for extreme fast charging and wireless power transfer enabling technologies and co-lead roles for grid and vehicle operational and planning technologies. The team is also providing critical support in pavement integrated systems, long life, and society technology integration.