Charging Stations
To address the long-term societal needs for the charging station infrastructure, the long-term objectives of the project include:
- Developing a low-cost and reliable charging station infrastructure to provide enough charge (80% of battery capacity) to all EV classes from light-duty to heavy-duty within a 10 minutes timeframe.
- Educating and training the next-generation electrification workforce to adapt to the emerging workforce needs arising from the widespread growth of charging station infrastructure in the future.
The goal of this project is to address the convergent fundamental research required for developing the CSoF, including both the “gas station” and parking lot scenarios, to enable the low-cost, safe, and reliable, stationary charging infrastructure necessary for the widespread adoption of all EV classes.
A team of multidisciplinary researchers from power, data, transportation, and adoption research areas has been assembled to address CSoF technology advancements, construction, cost analysis, operation and management, and next-generation electrification workforce development (EWD).
- Enabling Battery Technology
- Technology Advancement for Stationary Charging
- Construction and Cost Analysis
- Operation and Management