
The Next Generation Science Standards promote students’ engagement in authentic science practices, including theory-building practices such as modeling and explanation. The role of teachers in NGSS-aligned classrooms includes devising strategies for identifying, understanding, and connecting students’ ideas. In other words, teachers are required to respond to student ideas. Yet, the demands of responsive teaching pose challenges for teachers. To address challenges and support teachers in implementing responsive teaching, we co-design classroom lessons and strategies with teachers. This paper presents our co-design approach to supporting teachers in developing responsive teaching strategies. We analyze classroom video of one teacher’s classroom from two consecutive implementations of co-designed lessons. Responsive teaching was made an explicit focus of co-design before the second implementation. We investigate the instructional moves of the teacher and present evidence that making responsive teaching the focus of teacher-researcher co-design causes a shift in the instructional moves of a teacher.
See publication:
https://www.academia.edu/117407680/The_Impact_of_Responsive_Teaching_Focused_Co_design_on_Teacher_PracticeThis publication pertains to:
Learning and EngagementPublication Authors:
- Idris Solola
- Hillary Swanson
- LuEttaMae Lawrence