Test Platform to Evaluate Pavement Embedded Wireless Charging Pads


Evaluation of pavement embedded dynamic wire-
less charging pads requires a comprehensive long term testing
approach and data acquisition scheme. This paper documents
and discusses several variations in pavement embedded systems
and their practical implications for future tests. The key metrics
and data needed to evaluate and compare different constructions
is presented along with a testing strategy to fully evaluate system
performance. Preliminary results for a fully embedded system are
presented showing promising results for long term reliability at
lower traffic densities.

See publication:
Not Available yet
This publication pertains to:
Charging Stations
Publication Authors:
  • Joshua Larsen
  • Abhilash Kamineni
  • Nicholas Roberts
  • Marv Halling
  • Pilaiwan Vaikasi
  • Arden Barnes
It appeared in:
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
DWPT, concrete embedding, thermal analysis