
An electric vehicle (EV) aggregator can offer new streams of competitive service to power system operators by performing optimal scheduling of EV charging which ensures reliable grid operation and cost-effective charging for the EV owners. This paper proposes an optimal EV charging and discharging scheduling strategy for EV aggregators that will maximize its profit while minimizing EV owners’ charging costs by enabling the EVs to provide valuable ancillary service to the grid. The model was applied to the regulation, flexible ramping product and proxy demand response markets of California independent system operator (CAISO) under four case conditions with realistic data consisting of 111 EVs arriving and departing at a 22kW AC level-2 public charger located in Palo Alto, California. The results show optimally scheduled charging of the EVs yields significant increase in profit for the aggregator.
See publication:
https://ieee-pes.org/This publication pertains to:
Systems of SystemsPublication Authors:
- Izaz Zunnurain
- Yuanrui Sang
It appeared in:
Peer-reviewed conference proceedingsShout-outs/Achievements:
The work was initially sponsored by INTERN supplemental funding from NSF and done in collaboration with Ford Motor Company (supervised by Dr. Elaine Yu at Ford). After the INTERN funding ended, the work was sponsored by the ASPIRE center and then we came up with this publication.