
Despite the increasing interest in embedding inductive wireless power transfer technology into pavements to power electric vehicles, limited research has been conducted on the mechanical behavior of such pavements under operating conditions. To address this knowledge gap, a numerical analysis tool for effectively evaluating pavements integrated with charging technology is needed. However, a comprehensive study is first necessary to assess the accuracy of numerical tools when simulating these pavement structures. This study evaluates the structural response of a numerical model of a three-layered flexible pavement with an embedded dynamic wireless power transfer system, adopting a linear elastic approach using a finite element analysis program. To calibrate the numerical model, a full-scale test section was instrumented with embedded strain gauges at critical positions relative to the charging unit (CU). The paper focuses on comparing the pavement response when subjected to falling weight deflectometer loading at those critical locations. The research entails formulating adjustment factors for numerical responses and examining key factors (e.g., materials’ interfacial bonding conditions and loading positions) that may significantly influence the pavement’s response. The estimated and experimental pavement responses showed an acceptable agreement when the load was applied on the full-depth hot-mix asphalt (HMA), but discrepancies occurred when the load position was directly above the CU–HMA interface. To adjust the estimated pavement responses, different CU–HMA interfacial bonding conditions were considered. The results demonstrate the importance of considering realistic bonding conditions in numerical simulations to improve accuracy in estimating pavement responses.
See publication:
https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981241242077This publication pertains to:
Electrified RoadwaysPublication Authors:
- Hector Cruz
- Oscar Moncada
- Behnam Jahangiri
- Soheil Nazarian
- Cesar Tirado
- John Haddock
It appeared in:
Peer-reviewed conference proceedingsShout-outs/Achievements:
The authors would like to acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center “Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification” (ASPIRE) in conducting this research. This work was supported in part by the Joint Transportation Research Program administered by the Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University. The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception and design: S. Nazarian, J. E. Haddock, C. Tirado; data collection: O. A. Moncada, B. Jahangiri; analysis and interpretation of results: H. Cruz, O. A. Moncada, C. Tirado; draft manuscript preparation: H. Cruz, O. A. Moncada, S. Nazarian, J. E. Haddock, C. Tirado. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.