February ’24 Project #1 Update: Charging Station of the Future

Project leads: Hongjie Wang, USU & Scott Trimboli, UCCS

Key Accomplishments for this Quarter:

  • Battery Toolbox components have been updated and uploaded to Box for general use by ASPIRE.
  • Produced refined toolbox methods for cell characterization and improved model accuracy.
  • Produced validated Sigma Point Kalman Filter (SPKF) and Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for ESC and SPMe models.
  • Presented two papers at ECCE 2023, papers accepted for publication at ISGT 2024, APEC 2024, one digest submitted to ECCE-Asia 2024.
  • One master thesis defense completed.
  • Collected aging data for SiC MOSFET used in the MW wireless charger.
  • Developed high-bandwidth control of a 21 kW unfolding-based AC-DC converter using extra element theorem and current emulation technique.
  • Participated in virtual ASPIRE Meet & Greets with students and teachers who are piloting the ASPIRE Creative Engineering Design (CED) course.
  • Hosted field visit for Edith Bowen students on 11/14.
  • Progress has been made on the high-fideltity thermal model of the Primary pad of the 1 MW charger at the EVR at USU.
  • Effort has been focused on defining specific research objectives and approaches for thermal management of high-power wireless charging stations.
  • Significant progress has been made to revise a manuscript to be re-submitted to an Energy-related journal.
  • A conference paper was presented ACSP and one was accepted for TRB presentation in 2024.
  • Two Hispanic and two female students were recruited.
  • Conducted literature review of transportation equity and accessibility indicators, with a specific emphasis on methodologies for evaluating equity within the realm of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.
  • Monthly analytics of connected vehicle data for Indiana (Jan-Mar 2022).
  • Monthly analytics of charging station deployment in Indiana (Jan-Mar 2022).
  • Two foundational publications in the EV space that have helped enable and contributed to a number of the above methodologies and reports.

Innovation and Industry Board (IIB) Highlights:

  • Produced refined toolbox methods for cell characterization and improved model accuracy.
  • Looked at bi-directional, mega-watt, multi-port, and medium-voltage grid-tied extreme fast charging systems and made progress on the preliminary design of such a system.
  • Developed SiC MOSFET aging data collection platform and collected accelerated aging data for SiC MOSFET used in the MW wireless charger.
  • Monthly analytics of connected vehicle data and charging station deployment for Indiana (Jan-Mar 2022).

Advancements in Alleviating Barriers or Challenges to Widespread EV Adoption:

  • Improved the understanding and modeling of EV batteries
  • Made progress in high-power, multi-port, mega-watt, medium-voltage grid-tied charging system design to advance charging technologies
  • Made progress towards increased reliability for charging systems

Advancements of Interest to Marginalized or Underserved Communities:

  • We have one task focused on charging location decisions based on economics, accessibility, equity, and communities, where we conducted a literature review of transportation equity and accessibility indicators in Q1, with a specific emphasis on methodologies for evaluating equity within the realm of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.
  • We hosted outreach events for people from different communities.
  • We are recruiting students from underserved communities.