USU MAE Seminar Series

Event Type Seminar, Colloquia, Invited Talk, Conference
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? No
Is this event innovation focused? No
Event Name USU MAE Seminar Series
Event Location Logan, UT
Event Start Date 10/03/2022
Event End Date 10/03/2022
Number of Attendees 35
Number of Student Attendees 25
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 10
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Presentation Title or Topic Thermal and Mechanical Challenges in Transportation Electfication
Presenters Nicholas Roberts

Transportation electrification is expected to have broad societal impacts and provide a path to a sustainable and equitable transportation future with the potential to reduce the impact of climate change and poor air quality, which disproportionately affect marginalized communities. What a transportation electrification future looks like is not clear, but will likely consist of a hybrid of technologies that results in efficient, sustainable and equitable. The ASPIRE engineering research center, headquartered at Utah State University, is focused on technology development that will enable future high-power charging stations, electrified roadways, autonomous vehicles, and smart and integrated cities. These technologies are maturing at a steady rate, but many are currently limited by material performance or mechanical or thermal limits. This presentation will highlight some of these limitations and the applied and fundamental research that is ongoing within mechanical engineering at the ASPIRE engineering research center.

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