Outreach to Utah Science Teachers Association

Event Type Other -- please specify below
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? Yes
Is this event innovation focused? No
Event Name Outreach to Utah Science Teachers Association
Event Location virtual
Event Start Date 08/12/2022
Event End Date 08/12/2022
Number of Attendees 3
Number of Student Attendees --
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 2
Which project does this pertain to? Array
Presentation Title or Topic N/A
Presenters fawn.groves@usu.edu

Introductory meeting with teacher leaders, Dawn Monson and Michelle Ormond of the Utah Science Teachers Association (UtSTA).  Meeting’s purpose was to inform UtSTA leadership of ASPIRE, TeachEngineering resources, and ASPIRE’s wish to foster workforce development pathways. This discussion and follow-ups have resulted in an accepted invitation for ASPIRE to have a formal presence at the 2023 Annual UtSTA Educators Conference.

Associated Image(s) --
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"Shout-outs"/Achievements --
Additional Information

Other event type:  Introductory meeting with teacher leaders, Dawn Monson and Michelle Ormond of the Utah Science Teachers Association (UtSTA)