Northridge Elementary School Family STEM Night

Event Type Educational Outreach Events For K-12
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? No
Is this event innovation focused? No
Event Name Northridge Elementary School Family STEM Night
Event Location Longmont, CO
Event Start Date 05/12/2022
Event End Date 05/12/2022
Number of Attendees --
Number of Student Attendees 300
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 30
Which project does this pertain to? Array
Presentation Title or Topic N/A
Abstract: --
Associated Image(s) --
Relevant links to online folders with additional materials and/or social media postings
"Shout-outs"/Achievements --
Additional Information

Two 3rd-grade classes who piloted the ASPIRE K-5 curriculum on air quality and created and presented their “cars of the future” projects at the K-5 Family STEM Night. Due to student privacy, photos of students’ faces were not allowed to be taken.