
Event Type Educational Outreach Events For K-12
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? No
Is this event innovation focused? No
Event Name 2024 Colorado Science Conference
Event Location Denver, CO
Event Start Date 10/25/2024
Event End Date 10/25/2024
Number of Attendees 8
Number of Student Attendees --
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 350
Which project does this pertain to? Array
Presentation Title or Topic Creative Engineering Design Workshop - Teacher PD
Presenters Jennifer Taylor

Creative Engineering Design (CED) is a project-based introductory engineering course that explores engineering concepts and real-world engineering applications through the lens of equitable, sustainable electric vehicle (EV) technology. CED is a classroom-tested, ready-to-teach, hands-on curriculum highlighting concepts of the NSF-funded ASPIRE Engineering Research Center, which aims to make equitable and sustainable widespread electric vehicle-based transportation a reality. CED builds students’ understanding of the connections between engineering and environmental justice. CED embeds transportation-related environmental justice themes (air quality, public health, climate impacts), engages students in independent and team engineering design projects and raises students’ awareness of career opportunities in engineering. Workshop participants will receive a free materials starter kit and curriculum resources and engage in a teacher-as-student perspective to explore the engineering design process and skills (basic CAD, circuits & motors).

Associated Image(s) --
Relevant links to online folders with additional materials and/or social media postings https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Rskrc4af5OSKluXNuQOZWWqzKBqrZsWpOuJwQRrTqEk/edit?usp=sharing
"Shout-outs"/Achievements --
Additional Information --