
Event Type Workshops, Short Courses, and Webinars
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? No
Is this event innovation focused? Yes
Event Name HONDA ASPIRE EVR Overview Conversation
Event Location Zoom
Event Start Date 07/31/2024
Event End Date 07/31/2024
Number of Attendees 4
Number of Student Attendees --
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 2
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Presentation Title or Topic HONDA ASPIRE EVR Overview Conversation
Presenters don Linford

HONDA ASPIRE EVR Overview Conversation

Topic of Meeting:

We would like to know more details about how the GA is installed in your test track, how the installation interacts with the surrounding pavement, how the conductive power is supplied, etc.

The viewpoint is from unfamiliarity with your facility, so we want to improve our understanding.

Don Linford, Michael Masquelier and Dustin Maughan

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