Event Type |
Educational Outreach Events For K-12 |
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? |
Not sure |
Is this event innovation focused? |
No |
Event Name |
Pre-Collegiate STEM HS Engineering Camp |
Event Location |
Boulder, CO |
Event Start Date |
07/10/2023 |
Event End Date |
07/21/2023 |
Number of Attendees |
16 |
Number of Student Attendees |
15 |
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees |
1 |
Which project does this pertain to? |
Array |
Presentation Title or Topic |
Engineering & Environment Explorations |
Presenters |
Jennifer Taylor |
Abstract: |
-- |
Associated Image(s) |
-- |
Relevant links to online folders with additional materials and/or social media postings |
https://o365coloradoedu-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/jennltay_colorado_edu/EaDjOY1prINLuy7XMh4TZAQBiil94kOn9AKMfVi-pIJ9vQ?e=6pHEM8 |
"Shout-outs"/Achievements |
-- |
Additional Information |
-- |