Cost and GHG of various EV charging systems including DC Fast Charging, Battery Swapping, and Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer

Event Type Seminar, Colloquia, Invited Talk, Conference
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? No
Is this event innovation focused? Not sure
Event Name Life Cycle Analysis for Transportation Symposium
Event Location San Antonio, Texas
Event Start Date 11/16/2023
Event End Date 11/17/2023
Number of Attendees 100
Number of Student Attendees --
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 10
Which project does this pertain to? Array
Presentation Title or Topic Cost and GHG of various EV charging systems including DC Fast Charging, Battery Swapping, and Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer
Presenters Noah Horesh
Abstract: --
Associated Image(s) --
Relevant links to online folders with additional materials and/or social media postings --
"Shout-outs"/Achievements --
Additional Information --