Bill Tseng
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering
University of Texas El Paso
Dr. Bill Tseng is a Professor and Chair of Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering at the UTEP. He is also a Director of Research Institute for Manufacturing & Engineering Systems, the host institute of Texas Manufacturing Assistnace Center at UTEP. He received his two MSIE degrees (MFG & DS/OR) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iowa. Dr. Tseng is also a Certified Manufacturing Engineer from Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Dr. Tseng’s research area cover emergency management, systems engineering, computational intelligence/data analytics and cyber engineering technology. Over the years, he has served more than 12 million dollars as principle investigators sponsored by NSF, NIST, USDT, DoEd, KSEF and industry like LMCO, GM and Tyco Inc. Dr. Tseng delivered research results to many refereed journals such as IEEE Transactions, IIE Transactions, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Expert Systems with Applications and other conferences (over 200 refereed publications). He is currently serving as an editor of Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces (CSI) and editor boards of International Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management (JDMMM) and American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM). He is currently a Senior Member of Institute of Industrial Engineers, Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the Division Chair of Manufacturing Division of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). He is also actively involved in several consortia activities.