Michael Hannigan
Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder
Mike Hannigan is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Hannigan received his PhD in Environmental Engineering Science from Caltech in 1997 and then did postdoc tours at MIT and CSU before landing in Boulder. His research focuses on measurement and analysis of air quality. Recently, Hannigan’s research group has been actively engaged in development of low-cost air quality monitoring tools. These new tools have the potential to improve our understanding of pollutant emissions, transport and fate in the US through novel multi-mode spatial networks, facilitate STEM and air quality awareness through citizen science, and create novel air quality measurement datasets for developing regions of the globe where resources restrict environmental assessment. In addition to his research, Mike thoroughly enjoys his role as a teacher and is constantly looking for novel ways to improve student learning as well as growing the STEM pipeline from K-12 to the university.