Breaking Down EV Costs: ASPIRE’s Game-Changing DWPT Tool  

There are many barriers preventing the large-scale implementation of electrified road technologies and the unknown of the total cost of ownership (TCO) is a big one. However, researchers at ASPIRE are working to lower the hurdle with a new and innovative cost modeling tool.  

The cutting-edge tool, developed by Adeeba Raheem, associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso; Noah Horesh, a research scientist at Colorado State University; and Tyler Munk, civil engineer and project manager at Utah State University, is focused on Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) systems.  

“This tool can be used to determine the levelized cost of charging and the TCO for vehicles,” explained Horesh. “The levelized cost of charging employs a discounted cash flow rate of return analysis methodology, which accounts for the system’s lifetime costs.”  

By enabling electric vehicles (EVs) to charge while driving through magnetic induction, DWPT offers a futuristic solution to modern transportation challenges. DWPT transmits power from a transmission coil embedded in the road to a receiver coil in the EV using magnetic induction — a fancy way of saying, you can now charge your car while you drive. 

“For instance, the energy model calculates roadway utilization based on vehicle traffic data, roadway speeds, and EV adoption estimates, with adjustable inputs for each vehicle category, state, and year,” Horesh said. 

And the tool is useful for more than economic decisions. Its built-in adaptability allows for the calculation of emissions across an EV’s life cycle based on battery size and time-of-day grid emissions, Horesh added.    

Estimations were developed and preliminary cost data was gathered from existing research papers and project reports, primarily from European countries, according to Raheem.  

“These sources offered valuable insights, particularly data from pilot studies on electrified road systems in these regions,” she said, adding that to enhance the ASPIRE cost tool’s accuracy and applicability for the U.S. industry, her team transitioned to a more robust approach. This involved collaborating closely with industry partners to obtain detailed, context-specific cost and system information. Their feedback also proved critical in refining the system boundaries used to calculate the cost per mile.  

Collaboration was key in creating this groundbreaking cost modeling tool.  

“We were able to highlight this tool at ASPIREs most recent Innovation Exchange,” said Don Linford, the center’s Innovation Ecosystem Director. “This allows other industry leaders the chance to ‘test drive’ the tool and build on the insights provided by ASPIRE’s industry and innovation members as the tool is refined.”  

Though already a vital step forward for roadway electrification, the tool is not without room for improvement. Ongoing research is necessary to refine cost estimation and optimize its application. 

For those interested in testing the tool, or staying up-to-date on progress, please reach out to Don Linford. ASPIRE members can reach out to Horesh directly.

More about ASPIRE:

ASPIRE, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center headquartered at Utah State University, leads groundbreaking research and development to accelerate electrification. With over 400 global collaborators, ASPIRE focuses on creating seamless, affordable electrified transportation systems, accessible for all vehicle classes, along with the public infrastructure needed to support them. By reducing emissions, improving air quality, and fostering economic growth through job creation and workforce training, ASPIRE’s work spans engineering, social science, policy, and business. Partnering with top universities, industry leaders, and community groups, ASPIRE is driving the future of clean transportation. Learn more at 


Don Linford
Innovation Ecosystem Director,

Noah Horesh
Research Scientist — Electrified Transportation,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Colorado State University


Chloe Miller
Marketing & Communications Intern