ASPIRE TechTalk – Achieving Broader Impacts in Society through Equity Research in Vehicular Electrification

Event Type Workshops, Short Courses, and Webinars
Is this event (co-)sponsored by ASPIRE? Not sure
Is this event innovation focused? Yes
Event Name TechTalk
Event Location Zoom/Online
Event Start Date 07/20/2022
Event End Date 07/20/2022
Number of Attendees 60
Number of Student Attendees 15
Number of Teacher/Faculty Attendees 45
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Presentation Title or Topic Achieving Broader Impacts in Society through Equity Research in Vehicular Electrification
Presenters Amy Wilson-Lopez

Dr. Amy Wilson-Lopez and Dr. Brandon Allen, Equity Research Thrust Co-Leads for ASPIRE, will share examples of ASPIRE research studies that are designed to promote equity relative to vehicular electrification, and they will discuss how publications from these studies can achieve large-scale societal impacts.

Participants will have an opportunity to share possible ideas for new, innovative, convergent equity research studies relative to their own organizations, tasks, projects, and thrusts.

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